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Expatriés International Triathlon
Image de 🐣 Luca Iaconelli �🦊

Triathlon is more that just a race; it's a commitment to personal growth, resilience, and continuous improvement.

We encourage our members to seek out certifications to enrich their triathlon journey. By investing in these qualifications, you not only enhance your personal growth, but also contribute to the collective strength of our club community, contact us to find out how the club can help you with your own certifications.


The BNSSA (Brevet National de Sécurité et de Sauvetage Aquatique) holder is a lifeguard who is trained to supervise bathing areas, to intervene in case of emergency, and to rescue and provide the necessary first aid. They are also qualified to prevent bathing-related risks.

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The Referees play an essential role in the events. They are the guarantors of respect for the rules and sporting fairness and play a major role in prevention and informing competitors. A specific training course is open to all licensees aged 14 and over which will allow you to acquire the skills to become a referee and progress within the refereeing body.

BF1 / BF2

The Brevet Federal for Triathlon, learn the basics of triathlon training and understand how best to accompany and support a qualified instructor.

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You are a member and you are interested in a certification? Please fill in the form below and we will contact you.

Merci pour votre envoi !

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