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Aquathlon de Paris


IMG_0054" width="225" height="300" /> The Aquathlon de Paris was organized by the Club des Nageurs de Paris in the 50m pool Roger Le Gall in the 12th arrondt. The race distance was 300m swim / 2k run. Having experienced the Expatriés Super Sprint organization makes all the other local triathlon/aquathlon related events seem something below average. I was on my own facing real triathletes and swim club members aged under 18. An additional handicap: none of my usual supporting buddies and personal cheerleaders were around. There were from 4 to 7 swimmers in each of the 6 lanes. The few women competed in a single wave mixing "Cadet to Veteran". Looking around me being surrounded by little "Champs" in their late 15's made me think I was the only "adult". I was wrong. The scratch results revealed 2 seniors. I finished first! Being lucky enough to swim with only 3 others competitors in my lane, my relief did not last long as I first experienced being swum over by one of the girls. Strange feeling when you are not used to it and have never participated in the "Titanic drowning" experience in open water triathlon. The run was easier, consisting of 2 laps around a quite hilly route by the swimming pool entrance up to the Coulée Verte and under the périph. It climbed as much as the Bld Mortier at the Paris Sport Club Sprint event but 10 times shorter. To conclude: it was a different sport experience than those where other Expat team members participate. I prefer competing within my age category but it was fine as a Sunday workout. I advise you to take part in that Aquathlon if you:

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