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Eduardo's 1st M distance is the Paris Triathlon 2015


Paris Triathlon - 5 July 2015 - Olympic Distance

by Eduardo

After 18 months in the club, I decided to try my 1st Olympic distance triathlon.

The race was amazing. Much easier than expected. All due to training! (Light training).

Swimming was much easier than expected. The "1000 per wave" was actually the opposite than you would expect since it was a straight line with a lot of space between swimmers. It was even easier than Sprint and Super Sprints like Versailles and Enghien where it's a complete war. You just concentrate on swimming like in a swimming pool and go straight. Yes straight because even good (!) swimmers went zizaging!

Transition was really fast, a lot of running.

Biking was a complete mess for me. I couldn't enter or stay long in any of the five pelotons that overtook me. Since it was flat flat flat because you follow the river, people were biking really fast like 38km and even 40 km/hour. Now I really need to go on the Sunday training to learn how to bike in a peloton!

Also, I saw a lot of ugly bike accidents. But I also saw a lot of support from other cyclists when I was trying to merge with a peloton. This race was much friendlier actually than the usual competitive races like Versailles and Enghien.

Running was cool. Looking at my Garmin watch I was surprised to find people where actually going really fast at the beginning. Not for me! So I ran under 5 min per km the whole  time which was my goal - finishing in 48mn.

Though at the end the sun was back and sun is painful, I'm no Nadal! I wonder what would have happened if it was sunny all the time. We'll see next year! And of course in Toulouse in September!

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