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Jessica planned her work and worked her plan at Paris Tri


Paris Triathlon - M distance - July 2nd 2017

Race reporter Jessica I’m not sure how a race report usually begins, but mine starts and (Spoiler!) ends with pasta. More than a year ago, I sat in Chris J.’s apartment as he patiently explained the ins and outs of how to properly fuel one’s body for competition. He was very clear about a few things, namely that hydration begins long before la veille of a race (confirmed), trying to drink while running will lead to choking (also confirmed) and one can never go wrong with pasta (triple confirmed). So early on Sunday morning, I downed leftover fusilli and a few slices of toast with peanut butter before walking out the door.

Paris Triathlon - M distance - July 2nd 2017

Race reporter Jessica I’m not sure how a race report usually begins, but mine starts and (Spoiler!) ends with pasta. More than a year ago, I sat in Chris J.’s apartment as he patiently explained the ins and outs of how to properly fuel one’s body for competition. He was very clear about a few things, namely that hydration begins long before la veille of a race (confirmed), trying to drink while running will lead to choking (also confirmed) and one can never go wrong with pasta (triple confirmed). So early on Sunday morning, I downed leftover fusilli and a few slices of toast with peanut butter before walking out the door.

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