Saint Jean de Luz M Distance - 10 September 2016
by Laura WhitworthIt all began this time last year when I decided to sign up to my first Olympic distance triathlon. SLJ was the first race that came into my mind. I grew up in Espelette, only 30 km from SLJ, so it was on my bucket list. It's also a race my parents did a few years ago, they adored it so I thought it was time for me follow in their footsteps. Or at least try, as they are the real pros :) The Olympic distance was on Saturday at 3:30 pm, the late start allowed use to enjoy a leisurely breakfast in our airbnb overlooking SLJ bay. Good views & good weather, a great way to start the day. Four Expatriates participated in the M race: Raja, Mathieu, Anaïs and myself. It was also Anaïs's first M (she did amazingly well, well done Anaïs!). After setting up in transition in 2 different areas, we headed to the beach for the start. The course was pretty easy: swim 2 laps in the bay. I loved the swim; there were only 35 women and we set off 5 minutes before the men.