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Rick moves from DIY to TEAM at Traithlon du Roi


Triathlon du Roi Sprint - Versailles - May 21st 2017

Race Reporter: Rick DIY-er Rick navigates Versailles 2 years in a row. Like all First Timer’s with a new adventure ahead, I looked to the internet for info.  I discovered Expatriés, signed up for Meetup, but never acted on anything.  Just by chance, I met Ed van de Logt.  As a complete rookie, I asked him “What’s the secret to tri-training”? Ed’s reply was simple “just sign up for a race, everything else follows.”  He told me the Triathlon de Roi was coming up, so without thinking, I dove in.  I plowed through my ‘DIY’ (do it yourself) style training, relying on Ed as a key source of info.  He became my personal “chatbot” coach and buddy.  I did the work, logged the hours (largely alone) until race day arrived.

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